Bali and Lombok June 2013

I recently returned from an amazing trip to Indonesia with my boyfriend. I scored some amazing waves, as well as met some amazing people and experiences a different culture. It was the trip of a lifetime that I'll never forget, and I sure as anything will be going back to visit sometime in the future..Here's a few of my fav shots from the trip, more to see on facebook, and also with an article that is coming out in Tonnta Magazine soon. :)


Bumped into Carissa Moore at Uluwatu! She's an amazing surfer and an inspiration. 

Uluwatu Cliff

Made friends with this little girl called Mia who was doing a great job selling bracelets and asking me to give her maths questions in my diary that she was drawing pictures on.. 
Lembongnan Island kids :)

Here is a video clip of my trip that Darren kindly made for me :)